Alyson Adventures is a leader in creating active vacations for the gay and lesbian community. Our diverse vacations include biking, hiking, rafting, kayaking and scuba diving.

Alyson Adventures: What’s in a name?
Founder Sasha Alyson started one of the country’s first gay publishing companies, Alyson Publications, in 1980. He has a long history of involvement in the gay and lesbian community, having also founded Boston’s gay newspaper, Bay Windows, in 1983. His varied activities have won him awards from groups as diverse as the Human Rights Campaign, New England Booksellers Association, and the Greater Boston Business Council.
As one of the country’s leading gay entrepreneurs, he has appeared on Larry King Live; been published on the editorial pages of the New York Times; and been named to Out magazine’s “Top 100” list of influential gay men and lesbians. Sasha sold his publishing company in 1995 to bring that same spirit of innovation to the world of gay and lesbian travel. In 2002 he sold the company to Philip Sheldon, owner of Hanns Ebensten Travel, the original gay tour company, founded in 1972. Philip changed the name to HE Travel.

Our destinations range from the small villages of France to Tasmania, the island off the southern coast of Australia.
Our vacations are active adventures, mixing the camaraderie of a small, friendly group with many opportunities to explore independently. Many trips are designed with easier options each day that can be enjoyed by those with less experience or stamina, as well as more challenging suggestions for those who want them. The active nature of our trips means you’ll quickly get to know others in the group — and make new friends in the areas we pass through.
If you want a tightly organized group tour, this may not be the right vacation for you. But if you find it exciting to bike along a country road, stopping to soak your feet in a stream, or to hike along a mountain trail with a friend, not knowing what’s just around the corner, then give us a try. We’ll be happy to supply references from past travelers who have traveled with us and declared it to be “the best vacation of my life.”